The Hidden History of the Fishermen of Samsun ( 1935 - 2014 )
No living creature on earth has affected me as much as the sturgeon. When I was a child, I watched in amazement the sturgeon brought to Samsun Fish House by trawlers and looking at those giant sturgeon that I thought were sharks, I told my grandfather; I would ask your grandfather, what fish are these fish? When I was eleven or twelve years old, I learned that the sturgeon, which I thought was shark, was actually the most valuable fish in the aquatic ecosystem.
“Sturgeon”, The Precious of Çarşamba ( 1905 - 2016 )
It is possible to search for the historical development of sturgeon fishing in Samsun much deeper than today. The knowledge of sturgeon fisheries in Samsun in the traced periods is very limited and poses many difficulties for the researcher. In this context, I could not finish my work, “Sturgeon”, The Precious of Çarşamba 1905 – 2016 , at deadline which I wanted, due to financial difficulties and time constraints.